Trial Management Group

The Trial Management Group includes those individuals responsible for the day-to-day management of the trial, such as the Chief Investigator, principal investigators, statistician, trial manager and research nurses. The role of the group is to monitor all aspects of the conduct and progress of the trial, ensure that the protocol is adhered to and take appropriate action to safeguard participants and the quality of the trial itself.

Greg Shaw
Chief investigator
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Jack Grierson
Trial Manager
Eoin Dinneen
UCLH associate principal investigator
Alex Freeman
Consultant Histopathologist
Aiman Haider
consultant histopathologist
Rosie Clow
Nurse Clinical trial assistant
Sue Mallet
Trial Statistician
Chris Brew-Graves
NeuroSAFE co-applicant
Raj Persad
Bristol Principal Investigator
Imran Ahmad
Glasgow Principal Investigator
Neil Oakley
Sheffield Principal Investigator
Jonathan Aning
Nicola Muirhead
NCITA CTU manager
Marzena Ratynska
Consultant Histopathologist
Imen Ben-Salha
Consultant Histopathologist
Louise Goodwin
Sheffield ReseArch Nurse
Samantha Clarke
Bristol Research Nurse
Sarah Kirkby
Bristol ReseArch Nurse
Elena Pizzo
health economist
Susannah Hulton
Sheffield ReseArch Nurse
Lorenzo Dutto
Glasgow Consultant urologist