NeuroSAFE Patient Resources
Surgical School
This video gives an overview of the Radical Prostatectomy procedure used in the NeuroSAFE trial. UCLH patients can also attend this session in person (please contact your care team).
Patient Information sheet
If you’re interested in taking part, your doctor may direct you to a patient inforamtion sheet to give you some more information on the trial.
NeuroSAFE Animation
This video outlines the NeuroSAFE procedure undertaken after the removal of the prostate. More information on this is available in the patient information sheet and background section of the website.
NEuroSAFE Video
This video shows a real NeuroSAFE case from start to finish including the RALP procedure and pathology analysis methods used in the NeuroSAFE trial
Frequently asked questions are answered here. If you cannot find an answer to your question, please submit it through the contact us page. Please note that this should be in relation to the research and not your personal health.